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The LLW Community

Building Community is instrumental to what we stand for. We are completely invested in the health and prosperity of our community as a whole.


Since, opening our doors we have partners with many other small businesses and local government to promote and offer education around fitness and wellness. We have been an active participant in the TDI (Transformation District Initiative).


With much of the focus around redevelopment, increasing the
visibility and traffic of the center of Chicopee. Also helping create innovative ways to help small businesses stay afloat during very difficult economic times. We have developed many meaningful partnerships with local schools, non- Profit organizations, other entrepreneurs, local government etc.


Because we understand that wellness is not just about fitness we are intentional with offering other services through our partnerships. We do this by hosting events like, financial literacy, homeownership workshops, community events to raise fund for different causes (domestic abuse prevention walk, turkey give away drive, community work-out-thons, nutritional educational workshops, mental health awareness chats, life coaching sessions and goal setting and many others.


With our largest event being our Annual Lids_Live_WellNESS Fest, where we bring together different area communities and
businesses from all sectors. 

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